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Native Plants Blog 

I came across Native Plants Blog the other day on a fellow blogger's website. This is a fairly new blog started by two professors who are preparing for their retirement by raising and planning to sell native plants. This site contains some great information about insects along with gorgeous photos of plants. Go visit them soon.

A site loaded with links 

Looking for a site that provides links to everything gardening you could possibly imagine? Well, here it is. Garden Community is just that. Lots and lots of links to retail and wholesale suppliers as well as garden accessories and a bunch of gardening information. It will probably take a few hours to wade through all of the links so put your feet up and have a cup of coffee by your side. Enjoy.

Another garden blog 

I just learned of another garden blog, Growing Notes - life, dirt and gardening. Megan, located in Seattle, shares the same love of gardening we all do. I particularly connected with her article about weeding as meditation. I've said it before and I'll say it again - there is definitely a zen about gardening that only gardeners understand.

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Thanks to Andrew Stenning who contributed the photograph for our masthead